The Board of Professional Education and Research (BPER) is an autonomous professional institution recognized by the Government of India, dedicated to offering non-formal higher education specifically designed for working professionals. This allows individuals to achieve academic growth without interrupting their careers. BPER provides a comprehensive range of membership-level examinations catering to different educational stages, including the Technician/Diploma Membership Examination (TMBPER) equivalent to a three-year diploma, the Graduateship/Associate Membership Examination (AMBPER) equivalent to undergraduate studies, and the Post Graduateship/Chartered Membership Examination (CMBPER) comparable to postgraduate qualifications. To meet diverse learning needs, BPER offers various examination modes such as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Work Integrated Learning Program (WILP), and blended learning options, enabling students to choose pathways aligned with their prior qualifications. Importantly, BPER operates independently of regulatory bodies, explicitly stating that it does not fall under the purview of the University Grants Commission (UGC), the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), or the Distance Education Council (DEC), focusing exclusively on academic membership-level qualifications.
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